Download Module 1 Printables
the secret in getting ahead is getting started
How to Use the Printables
Editable Homeschool Goals
All through this Boot Camp I talk about setting goals.
They shouldn’t be complicated or unrealistic, but the more specific you are the easier it is to track success.
This is a HUGE part of your starting successfully because it shifts the focus from a curriculum hunt to knowing exactly what you want to accomplish your first or second year.
Success is NOT by mastering curriculum, but it means to meet the needs of your family. What are the needs of each family member?
Look at some of these examples of specific goals.
- My daughter will improve writing by writing at least two paragraphs.
- My son will memorize the multiplication tables this year.
- My highschooler will join one homeschool co-op.
- We will do one field trip a month.
- Reading aloud time will be at least 30 minutes each day.
Instead of completing curriculum as your standard for success the first year, the needs of YOUR family are put ahead of curriculum.
Look back at your goals at the end of your first year and use THIS form as your guide to success NOT completing curriculum.
180 Day Dynamic Journal
I know you want to immediately lesson plan, but it’s hard to do that now when you don’t know how to gauge the progress of your children.
Also, you are learning how to lesson plan and you have tons of questions right now.
Too, putting on your teacher hat has you looking at your children though a teacher lens. That means you’re learning which skills your children have mastered and which ones they may not have mastered.
That is a LOT to have going on in your first or second year.
It’s been my experience after many years of helping new homeschoolers that journaling everything happening each day helps you sort out your needs and list them.
Did you know that journaling is a pre-step to lesson planning?
If you learn now how to think like a teacher, it’s easier in the long run.
Journaling is not meant to be long or complicated. It’s just a tracking system of what is all happening right now.
Journaling each day
- gives you a place to pen your worries;
- give you a place to write your questions that you need help with; and
- finally it gives you a place to write down the skills or lack of them that you may see now as you start to teach your children.
Lesson planning is just as much journaling as it is planning.
In the beginning it is better to journal what you actually accomplished at the end of the day.
This is a huge benefit for several reasons.
One reason is because you can realistically see what you can achieve for the day. This will fast forward your learning curve because you will plan closer to what your children can realistically finish for the day.
Avoiding wasting valuable years being stressed over unrealistic lesson planning will add joy to your journey.
Many organizing planning moms have been misled thinking they have more hours in their days than the rest of us. My job is to coach you to keep it real.
By seeing what was actually accomplished versus what was planned gives you a more realistic feel for lesson planning.
Start out with success in mind by journaling.
Print it now and write a bit each day. It’s YOUR brain dump and it's also your measure of success!